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- This joke was not written by me, but complete rights in it have been
- transferred to me by the author. I declare it Copyright 1988 B. Templeton.
- Under this copyright, the following licence is granted to most
- participants in USENET to decrypt and read this joke. USENET readers
- not on the list below may decrypt and read this joke. Any attempt by
- a person whose name appears on the list below to decrypt or read this
- joke, and any attempt by any other person to forward a copy of this
- joke in decrypted form is a violation of copyright and expressly prohibited
- by law. Those not licenced to read this joke are:
- Jonathan E.D. Richmond
- David Makowsky
- Nancy M. Gould
- Betsy R. Schwartz
- This joke contains offensive material. Even those licenced to decrypt this
- joke and read it do so at their own risk. Members of the Jewish religion
- and semitic races may not wish to read this joke. This joke makes fun of
- racism and people with no sense of humour.
- Note also that person #2 on the list, David Makowsky, has claimed that
- I was innacurate in stating that he, like J. Richmond, was demanding my
- removal. I apologize. He did not "demand" it. He merely said, "how does
- one go about removing a moderator," "maybe the moderator should be removed"
- and that "[Templeton] is either an equal opportunity bigot or an
- equal opportunity ignoramus." I apologize most sincerely.
- Here it comes: (You really have to wade through a lot of disclaimers to get
- to a joke these days!)
- Sebz Qnivq Arggrezna:
- Gbc 10 Ernfbaf gb abg ercynpr Oenq nf zbqrengbe:
- 10. N Erny Anmv pbhyq or chg va punetr.
- 9. Jr arrq whfg n srj zber Qna Dhnlyr wbxrf Erny Fbba Abj.
- 8. N erny Cnafl-Qb-Tbbqre-Aba-Bssrafvir glcr pbhyq or chg va punetr.
- 7. Ur'q ybfr uvf XXX xvpxonpx shaq.
- 6. Zl Zbz ynhturq ng guvf wbxr, ln pnyyva zl zbz n enpvfg, ohqql?
- 5. Xvyy 6 zvyyvba bs 'rz, naq gur erfg ybfr gurve frafr bs uhzbe. Wrrm.
- 4. Jurer ner lbh tbvat gb svaq nabgure sbby jub bjaf uvf bja pbzcnal?
- 3. Guvf vf nyy pnhfr bs Jne naq Erzrzorenapr, nva'g vg?
- 2. Prafbe Prafbefuvc!
- Naq gur #1 ernfba:
- 1. erp.uhzbe.shaal: Fbzr crbcyr Whfg Qba'g Trg Vg.
- [ Abgr, ol gur jnl, gung guvf wbxr pbagnvaf na napvrag uhzbhe grpuavdhr
- xabja nf *fnepnfz* juvpu znl be znl abg or haqrefgbbq ol gur crbcyr ba
- guvf yvfg. (Bs pbhefr, gurl'er abg ernqvat guvf.) -rq]
- [ Abgr2: V bayl cbfgrq guvf nsgre cnffvat vg ol frireny bgure crbcyr, zbfg
- bs jubz tnir vg uvtu engvatf. Anghenyyl V pna'g gehfg zl bja whqtrzrag ba
- n gbcvp fb pybfr gb zlfrys. -rq]
- --
- Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to watmath!looking!funny .
- Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. I will reply, mailers willing.
- I reply to all submissions, but about 30% of the replies bounce.